Ring Side Report- RPG review of DC20 Preview

Product– DC20 Preview

System- DC20

Producer– The Dungeon Couch

Price– $FREE here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thedungeoncoach/dc20?ref=7s275s&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnc5Hg8g0LanCi5wZMQUViNcAlYb8RXGRme_aLk__R0LEqZN0HpldmQaAuo6EALw_wcB   

TL; DR– DnD5e, Pathfinder 2nd Ed, Final Fantasy, and OSR all in a blender.  90% 

Basics– Are you ready to RPG?!  DC 20 is The Dungeon Couch’s new RPG.  The kickstarter has a preview of the game with enough mechanics to run a level 1 to 2 character.  Let’s look at how it plays.

Base mechanics- It’s D20.  You know this.  Roll d20, add numbers, did it beat a different number?  The numbers you add are interesting though.  Each character has a prime attribute.  This doesn’t have to match what you think it should for the class.  The classic idea they give in the book is a barbarian who is a charismatic man who would use his charisma for his attacks because thats his best attribute.

Beating the DC by 5- This system often has you roll dice and compare to a DC.  Many of the things you do like attack and spells have you check to see if you beat the DC by 5 or multiples of 5.  Every 5 you beat often have you gain more effects, save, or even flat out damage.

Advantage and disadvantage- This takes more of a Call of Cthulhu approach with multiple advantage or disadvantage dice.  You roll all the advantage or disadvantage dice you have and you take either the better, advantage, or worse, disadvantage, die.

Actions- At the start of combat and end of each turn, you gain action points.  You can spend as many as you want to do actions.  Move uses an action point.  Attack uses an action point.  Making an opponent have disadvantage is an action.  Spells might use multiple action points.  At the end of a round you get action points back and you can use those for reactions, but you will then have less in the next round.

Leveling up- As you advance you gain powers, talents, and class features.  It’s very much like some OSR RPGs where you will not gain tons of hit points.  You gain additional mastery of skills and bonuses to attacks with some classes being able to exceed the normal maximum.

Abilities- Spells and techniques all have a bit of additional resources as well.  Some techniques can use stamina points to pull them off.  Magic uses magic points that spell casters can spend to cast spells.  So you can cast any spell you have, but bigger spells use more MP.

Combat- Won’t be fantasy without killing things!  Combat is initiative with everyone rolling, but the highest on a side determines which side goes first.  Then it’s back and forth between the players and monsters.

Ok, that’s the basics, let’s discuss

Mechanics or Crunch–  This game feels like all the things I love.  The base dice is DnD.  The base action mechanics are Pathfinder 2nd Ed.  The base leveling layout looks like OSR.  Spell casting feels like Final Fantasy.  I love all those things, so that’s fun!  I know this system, but because I’ve played all the things that made it multiple times over.  And, that’s not a bad thing!   5/5

Theme or Fluff– Not really a story as this is more to show off the rules, but what’s here feels right.  The classes feel like classes, and the included things feel like they should.  The kickstarter art is nice, but the book itself doesn’t have any.  I’d like a bit more of the creators’ world to help me understand what the story will be.  4.5 /5

Execution– This is a solid enough preview, but it’s missing a few things.  The book has lots of stuff and is decently laid out.  It’s easy to read with good directions.  It’s even hyperlinked, so I’m happy there.  The bad is there are no pictures in the book, nor in the monster book.  The kickstarter also doesn’t have an adventure.  Give me an adventure and four to six pregens to play with!  I think I like the layout, but if you have done all this, give me a simple “kill the goblins save the village lady” quest to kick the tires on the system.  In addition, some classes can exceed the maximum skill bonus. Why not just include the maximum skill bonus on that table instead of making me infer them?  Those are small issues but will help me better understand your system.  4/5

Summary-I’m interested.  This will be a big kickstarter.  The things I love are the basics that combine all the fun things from all the other fun things I enjoy.  I need more of the world and adventure.  Show me how you want this played.  Is this pure murder on the players or a cake walk?  I don’t know, so show me!  That said, I’ve backed it, and for free, I definitely think it’s worth a look for you too.  90%

Daily Punch 6-13-24 Osteokinesis skeleton power for DCC RPG

Break or make bones!

Type: actionRange: touchDuration: PermanentSave: Fort Vs DC.
GeneralYou cause a creature’s body to either grow bone or waste away. A target can only be effected by this once and is only effected by the highest effect if used on the target again.
Manifestationroll 1d4: (1) You cause minerals to leech into our out of the creatures body into the soil. (2)You force the creature to breath deep as bone dust enters or leaves their body (3)the creature crunches in or expands on command (4) the target glows with a purple light as their body changes
1failure and you can not use this for one day
12-13The target’s stamina increases or decreases by 1
14-17The target’s stamina increases or decreases by +2
18-19The target’s stamina increases or decreases by +3
20-23The target’s stamina increases or decreases by +4, increase base hp by 5
24-27The target’s stamina increases or decreases by +6, increase base hp by 10
28-29The target’s stamina increases or decreases by +7, increase base hp by 15
30-31The target’s stamina increases or decreases by +8, increase base hp by 20
32+The target’s stamina increases or decreases by +9, increase base hp by 25


Daily Punch 6-11-24 Vampiric Force spell for Shadowrun 6th Ed

Let’s feel a bit better!

Vampiric Force
(direct combat)
Area Drain
(direct combat, area)
LOS (A) P I 5 P
Drain your targets life force, and heal yourself. This spell deals damage as a normal direct damage spell, but for every two points of damage dealt, restore one box of stun or physical damage, your choice, rounding down.
Vampiric Force targets individuals, while Area Drain is area effect.


Daily Punch 6-10-24 Life Saver medicine skill feat for Pathfinder 2nd Ed

Time to help!

Life Saver two-Action Feat 20

General Skill
Prerequisites master in Medicine

You’ve studied so long, you can literally bring back the dead. For two actions action, once per day per target that died in the last year, you can restore a creature to life from death. The creature must have died via damage and your body is intact or have the dying 4 condition from damage and your body is reasonably intact. Damage where the body is ripped apart completely or has major parts removed like the head render the corpse not restorable via this feat. The creature removes the wounded condition and the dying condition, is restored to 10 hp or its maximum, whichever is lower, and is conscious.


Ring Side Report- RPG review of Starfinder Society Scenario #7-02: Zo! vs. Zo

Product– Starfinder Society Scenario #7-02: Zo! vs. Zo

System- Starfinder

Producer– Paizo

Price– $8.99 here https://paizo.com/products/btq02eza?Starfinder-Society-Scenario-702-Zo-vs-Zo  

TL; DR– Fun, logic be damned!  87% 

Basics– What’s ya name!?  In Zo! Vs. Zo, the Starfinders are asked to help Zo! Defend his semi-good honor as his name is threatened by a city called Zo.  How will your group of Starfinders fare as lawyers and in combat?

Mechanics or Crunch–  This is a fairly simple adventure with some combat, some social, but no exploration.  It’s all set in cities as the Starfinders have to prove they can do the fighting, then attempt to set up a legal defense, and finally a real defense in legal combat. It’s a bit on the rails, but still good.  The mechanics are well done and felt fair and fun. 4.5/5

Theme or Fluff–  The story is a bit off here.  The basics are to prove you can fight, do legal skill checks, do more legal skill checks, and then fight no matter what.  The legal stuff felt off.  I would like the option to just not do the second fight if the characters succeed enough or for them to just push for combat.  That’s how I would run this for a home group, but for Society, the flow makes the adventure feel strained.  It works, but the logic is a bit off. 3.5/5

Execution– Yeah, we all know this was gonna be a 5/5.  It’s a Paizo book.  I keep saying this exact sentence when I write about Paizo.  They know layout, text, and art.  It’s an easy to read adventure.  Maybe the one thing that would help is having separate art from the other legal combatants, but that’s extremely nitpicky.  This is well done.  5/5

Summary-This is a fun adventure, but maybe not the most logical adventure.  Any group of guys and gals will enjoy the adventure, but it’s a bit linear and a bit nonsensical.  That said, it’s an adventure to a world that most Starfinders have not been to and some courtroom drama that almost no players outside of those brave profession (barrister) players do.  You will have fun, but maybe don’t think too hard about why things are happening.   87%