Daily Punch 7-31-23 Crush spell for Dragonbane

More fun with this new system

Rank: 1
Prerequisite: Elementalism
Requirement: Word
Casting Time: Action
Range: 20 meters
Duration: Stretch
You increase the gravity around a target causing the target to be pulled down to the ground. The target suffers 2d6 damage and is pulled prone to the ground. Any armor rating has no effect. Each power level beyond the first increases the damage by D6.

Humanoids and monsters targeted by this spell are pulled to the ground and can not move. ON each turn, a target can make a STR roll ( not an action) to break free.


Daily Punch 7-25-23 Nimble heroic ability for Dragonbane

Gearing up for GenCon! Here’s an idea I think the characters need.

Requirement: Evade skill 12
Willpower Points: 2
You may attempt to dodge an attack without consuming your action for the round.. The bonus dodge can be used at any time during the round. You may only try to dodge the same attack once. This ability can be used multiple times per round, as long as you have enough WP.