Daily Punch 3-15-24 Psychosomatic Illness occult spell for Pathfinder 2nd Ed

Send them in ready!

Psychosomatic Illness one-action Spell 5

Manipulate Mental
Traditions Occult
Range 60 feet; Target 1 creature
Defense Will; Duration 1 or more rounds

You force the target to think it is sick with the mind causing the body to fail. The effects are determined by its Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success For 1 round, choose either slowed 1, clumsy 1, or enfeebled 1.
Failure The target gains slowed 1, clumsy 1, and enfeebled 1 and can attempt to save for all these continues in one save at the end of each of its turns.
Critical Failure As for success, but the duration is automatically 1 minute.


Ring Side Report- RPG review of Striker

Product– Striker

System- Striker

Producer– Zenith Games Foundry

Price– $ 13.41 here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/460945/Striker-Core-Rulebook-1st-Edition&affiliate_id=658618 

TL; DR– classless 5e/3.5 IN SPACE! 87%

Basics– DnD 3.5/5e/Shadowrun IN SPACE!  This is a new riff on the 5e system by building in classless systems into the basic math of 5e.  The universe has gone to war in a way that nearly destroyed it and now at least four different dimensions are all interacting.

Let’s break down the system.

Classless, but not levelless– This system does use levels, but when you take a level you choose a profession and possibly an archetype within it. This gives you places to spend forte and fine-forte points.  These are the equivalent of skill points.  You can freely change profession when you gain a new level.

Base mechanic- 5e has proficiency, but you don’t really change your class in 5e.  Here you do things a bit different.  It’s still a d20+number, but how you get to that number is a bit more complicated.  Your modifier is ½ ability modifier +½ forte modifier + fine-forte modifier.  This way almost all things have the feeling of 3.5 DnD and Shadowrun skills as you choose where you spend skill points to make some better or worse depending on how you want to build your character.  Saves, attacks, and skills all have this basic mechanic built in.

Powers and special abilities-  Characters gain resources on level up that come back and are used like hitpoints, but this system also introduces focus points and energy points.  DCs are determined just like basic 5e, with one exception being how we determine bonuses (described up above) When you do something cool or use psychic powers, you spend the points as needed.  Again, it’s classless so multiple paths will get you the same powers and abilities. 

There is always more, but that’s the basics to get you mechanically in.  Ok, now to my thoughts.

Mechanics or Crunch– This is an interesting system that might be a bit over complicated.  The idea of classless 5e is a fun one.  I do miss the days of crazy class combinations (until I play some 3.5 with a friend who has at least five different classes in a 7th level character).  But this builds nicely together.  It’s a tad clunky as its DEEP point management at level gain, but that’s what the designer wanted.  That’s not bad, but it’s an intentional thing.  A cheese stick of basic 5e vs the fondue of this system.  Both are highly rated and good, but it’s what you want when.  Some streamlining may help with this system though.  4.5/5

Theme or Fluff– For the fuff, the big question is do you like Mass Effect?  That’s the big question here.  If you like the idea of flying a ship around and meeting creatures of multiple races with multiple different goals, then this is the game for you.  I do, so this has some crazy fun places to go.  5/5

Execution– This book has some solid things, but some near unforgivable issues.  Let’s start with the unforgivable that can easily be fixed: no pregens, character build walkthrough, nor premade adventure.  As I get older, I want to pick up a book and play with six buds ASAP.  Sure, I need to read how to do the dice things with this dice game, but give me an adventure and pregens and a four hour simple adventure I can print off and play after I glance over your rules.  It has some pre-made things, but give me those please.  For a new system, that is a requirement!  Next, this is a pretty deep pool to dive into without a step by step walkthrough of one character build.  That would make the issues I had in mechanics evaporate.  There are examples of how to do some things, which are great.  And, while missing those things is unfortunate, what’s here is good.  There’s art to break up text.  The text could be a different font or background to make it more readable, but it works decently enough and my tablet can zoom in.  There’s hyperlinks in the text, so I can hop around quickly to get to where I want to be.  Some of you may not like its Midjourney art, but this is an extremely small publisher with an over 400 page book and one author.  That’s a feat!  Just give me some quick start assets built in and I’d be much happier.  3.5/5

Summary– If you want 5e classless Mass Effect, then this is what you want.  That’s the basic summary.  I like the basic mechanic, even if I think its a tad overcomplicated.  The theme is the sci-fi I love.  The stumble is the lack of quick start and pregens to the book.  I don’t even need a crazy space adventure with ships, just a dungeon crawl fighting something in a cave would be nice.  Even a link to a free adventure would fix that need, but there isn’t one quite yet.  One is coming, but not yet.  However, I like what’s here enough to stay interested for when it does.  87%

Daily Punch 1-1-23 Four Arms skeleton feat for Pathfinder 2nd Ed

Four eyes? how about four arms?

Four arms Feat 5


You spend enough times learning how a body is built to build your own body! You’ve stolen the shoulders and arms of another dead and now wear them. You have four arms. These can carry and manipulate items and attack just like your own arms and hands, but you do not gain additional actions with them.


Watch me play!

KICK OFF THE YEAR BIG!  Back to the dive bar to kill more people.  Pathfinder Live Play for Blood Lords! Pathfinder Live Play!  

Blood lords book 1 live play Monday Jan 1 at 11AM EST! https://www.twitch.tv/throatpunchg https://fb.me/e/1vCp1Zevt https://youtube.com/live/NJD8yJ4d2E4?feature=share 

AND!Sunday Jan 7 10AM EST! https://www.twitch.tv/throatpunchghttps://fb.me/e/50eDZ0vuVhttps://youtube.com/live/_TJhQRUzX5g?feature=share

Ring Side Report- RPG review of Pathfinder Adventure Path #181: Zombie Feast (Blood Lords 1 of 6)

Product– Pathfinder Adventure Path #181: Zombie Feast (Blood Lords 1 of 6)

System– Pathfinder 2nd Ed

Producer– Paizo

Price– $26.99 here https://paizo.com/products/btq02dvp?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-181-Zombie-Feast   

TL; DR– Unleash the undead! 97%

Basics– The hunger never ends!  This book starts the Blood Lords adventure path and provides information on new spells, an archetype, factions of the adventure, and the city of Graydirge.

Mechanics or Crunch– This adventure plays well.  The monsters are right about where they need to be for combat, and the mix is fun.  The new archetype is interesting, and the spells are something my players (who accidentally stumbled upon them on Archive of Nethys) already wanted.  My one major issue is factions.  Factions are done as well as they can be, but I feel it’s not well supported by the whole system.  You can move up or down in the factions’ esteem, but I just can’t shake the feeling of, “Who cares?”  I don’t have the mechanical background of why I want to make people like me in each faction.  It’s a minor thing that I feel will build up more in the upcoming adventures.  4.5/5

Theme or Fluff– This is a a solid story.  The story is fun, and my players had a blast playing in it.  I felt equipped enough to make the characters and locations interesting.  The world is fleshed out enough to make it a fun place to play, and all the new things are introduced well enough to make me either intrigued enough or disgusted enough in them to have a blast.  5/5

Execution– Welp, it’s Paizo and they made a book. Paizo is one of the industry’s best layout people, and this is no exception.  It reads well, easily, and quickly.  Hyperlinks make it a quick thing to read through and scan through.  Solid work here.  5/5

Summary– My brother is the one who got me interested in this adventure path, and I am glad he did.  It’s a fun story with new toys for both the GM and players that is just put together well.  My one issue is a more system-wide issue of factions and influence, but that’s the one thing I can point to as something that just makes me unhappy with this product.  My players and I can’t wait to hop into the next one ASAP!  97%

Daily Punch 11-21-23 More Flies with Honey Leshy Feat for Pathfinder 2nd Ed

Funny story, flies go toward rot for food, and rotting funguses release alcohol. You get more flies with Alcohol then with Honey. Same with people….

More Flies with Honey Feat 1


Through a combination of pheromones and general mannerisms, people just like you. You gain the Group Impression  skill feat as a bonus feat. Additionally, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks.


Daily Punch 9-21-23 Animate Skeletons spell for DCC RPG

Let’s reach some hearts.. and minds!

Animate Skeletons

Level: 1 Range: 20’ Duration: Varies Casting time: 1 action Save: Fort vs. check

General The psychic throws a bolt of blinding pain into the brain of a foe.

Manifestation Roll 1d4: (1) the wizard’s hands become black for an hour; (2) the wizard’s body glows black; (3) the areas where the spell is cast begins to sell of rot; (4) rattles of bones echoes around the caster

Corruption Roll 1d8: (1) skin on caster’s hands withers and dries out to give him a skeletal appearance; (2)rot begins to appear on the casters body; (3) caster’s hands permanently glows with a sickly black aura; (4) the caster hears rattling bones around him; (5-6) minor corruption; (7) major corruption; (8) greater corruption.

Misfire Roll 1d3: (1) a dead creature returns to life with an evil spirit in its body ; (2) a 2d8 HD skeleton attacks the caster; (3) the bones around the target explode causing 2d6 damage everyone in a 20 foot area..

1 Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + misfire + patron taint; (1-2)

corruption; (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (4+) misfire.

2-11 Lost. Failure.

12-14The caster summons one skeleton of up to 2 HD, or two 1 HD skeleton. The skeleton take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons remain for 1 hour.

15-19 The caster summons one skeleton of up to 2 HD, or two 1 HD skeleton. The skeleton take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons remain for 1 hour.

20-22 The caster summons one skeleton of up to 2 HD, or two 1 HD skeleton. The skeleton take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons remain for 3 hour.

23-26 The caster summons one skeleton of up to 4 HD, two skeletons of 2 HD, or up to four skeletons of 1 HD. The skeleton take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons remain for 8 hour.

27-31 The caster summons one skeleton of up to 8 HD, two skeletons of up to 4 HD, four skeletons of 2 HD, or up to eight skeletons of 1 HD. The skeleton take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons remain for 1 day.

32 The caster summons a horde of skeletons. The total hit dice must be 50 HD or less. The horde half damage from piercing and slashing weapons and remains for up to a week.
