Daily Punch 6-6-24 Eaters of the Dead skeleton power for DCC/MCC RPG

num num num! skeleton power!

Eaters of the Dead
Type: actionRange: selfDuration: instantaneousSave: none
GeneralYou find a body and begin to eat it for health!
Manifestationroll 1d4: (1) You literally bite and eat the bodies of the dead. (2)You pull the bones from the dead and merge them into yourself (3)the bones turn to dust and cling to yourself (4) you just absorb the bodies through your skeleton hands
1failure and a bond goes sideways costing you 1d4 hp!
12-13You regain 1d4 HP
14-17You regain 2d4 HP
18-19You regain 2d6 HP
20-23You regain 2d8 HP
24-27You regain 3d8 HP
28-29You regain 3d10 HP
30-31You regain 3d12 HP
32+You regain 3d12 HP and gain 1 point of luck!


Ring Side Report-RPG Review of Dungeon Crawl Classics 2020 Holiday Module: The Doom that Came to Christmastown

Product– Dungeon Crawl Classics 2020 Holiday Module: The Doom that Came to Christmastown

System- DCC RPG

Producer– Goodman games

Price– $6.99 here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/335600/Dungeon-Crawl-Classics-2020-Holiday-Module-The-Doom-that-Came-to-Christmastown?affiliate_id=658618

TL; DR– Fun, but you will need to provide your own glue for this adventure! 93%

Basics-Who can save Christmas?!  Santa is sick and who can save him?  Gather his friends, find the horrible Grinch, and save Christmas for all the good little boys and girls!

Mechanics or Crunch–  Goodman Games knows how to make a solid adventure!  They wrote the system, so they know how to make the crunch.  Solid monsters, solid puzzles, and solid extra tables for encounters.  This is a well put together adventure.  5/5

Theme or Fluff– This is a fun adventure, but the story is a bit off.  You don’t need to hit all the major NPC to find the horrible grinch.  And the NPCs are the best part!  This adventure will pull at your Frank and Bass Christmas movie memories.  Lots of the old school heroes like Yukon and even Hermey, who becomes a Dentalmancer!, make appearances and serve to build out the story.  I just wish there was more of a reason to meet more of them!  Solid parts here, but the glue holding the scenes together here is a bit lacking.  4/5

Execution–  PDF?  YEP!  Hyperlinked? Not really, but it’s ok.  This is a well executed adventure.  I love this one. There are crazy fun puzzles for the players to work through and there are monsters to fight that feel fun.  I love all the little touches that are put into the adventure.  Heck this adventure even has a new spell for the players to use.  You can buy this from Drive Thru and be playing in five minutes based on the easy to read format and beautiful drawings and maps.  Goodman Games executes another adventure amazingly! 5/5

Summary-Ho ho holy crap this is a fun one.  If you want something fun to plunk down into your DCC/MCC game, this is a solid adventure to run.  Mathematically, it works perfectly, and it’s executed well.  I love all the little pieces here from new spells to the crazy tables built into this game.  I wish the scenes were better connected, but that’s the one flaw to this amazing adventure.  Check this one out if you get a chance!   93%

Daily Punch 1-7-21 Smack Can tech item for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG

Ok, we need one more system with a can to smack an idiot!

Smack Can
Tech Level: 2 Complexity Modifier: 2
Range: 10’ radius, special
Damage: 6d10 main, 6d6 others
Special: wielder immune
Power: Self
Smack cans are highly compressed depleted uranium cans. A wielder makes a melee attack on someone instead of throwing the can. If it hits, the main target takes damage as above, but then the can explodes and hits all creatures in the area with acid-based damage except the person who swung the can.


Ring Side Report-RPG Review of Star Crawl

Product– Star Crawl

System- DCC RPG

Producer– Tuesday Night Fiend Club

Price– $10.00 here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/254637/Star-Crawl?affiliate_id=658618

TL; DR– DCC Starfinder!  88%

Basics– Need some space in your DCC RPG?  Want to play Starfinder and DCC?  Then Star Crawl is for you.  Let’s see what the new things are from DCC RPG.

Basics-Can you play DCC RPG?  Then you can play this.  Honestly that’s the big mechanics of this.  Seriously!  That’s not a bad thing.

Races-  Star Crawl introduces race templates.  You choose a race template that you add to a character at level 1 or 0.  It’s a few ability changes and a few extra abilities.  Nothing too crazy, but some solid additional crunch to the system.

Space ships-  You can’t have space opera without space ships.  This system adds in space much like Starfinder.  Basically, pilot checks determine who goes from low to high as you outmaneuver other ships.  It’s simple to keep in the flavor of DCCRPG.

This is’t a complete change so much as an incremental change.  Let’s look at my thoughts on this.

Mechanics or Crunch-This is both the high point and the low point of the book.  Why high?  The new stuff is great!  I love what’s here. Solid new classes.  Solid application of the basic ideas of DCC RPG.  Solid new races.  Everything here is great.  Why low?  It didn’t feel like enough. I want more spaceships.  I want  more space options.  It’s kind of a short book.  It was great, but I was just left wishing for more to help me build my space world. 


Theme or Fluff-I was looking for some Star Wars DCC RPG, and this delivers.  You get new settings to play, and the fluff to get there.  What I do need more of is world building.  It’s a solid intro book with the basic ideas of the universe, but I need more.  The included adventure builds that out, but I would have liked a bit more history, background, and details to draw me in and help me make it my own.  4.5/5

Execution–  PDF?  YEP!  Hyperlinked?  no…I can live without the hyperlinks, but they help, especially for an intro book.  The rest of the book is well done.  The art is simple, but charming.  The layout works well.  It reads easily, and is approachable.  Overall, this is a solid book, but I still want a few more tech toys.  4.5/5

Summary– My players and I are chomping at the bit to get into this.  I like this book and world.  The mechanics are good, but I need more toys for the sandbox.  The world is solid, but needs more to help me build and expand.  All in all,  for a small publisher, this is an amazing book that I really recommend to anyone who needs a bit more scifi in their fantasy.  If you want some space fun, throw your DCC RPG players into this space opera. 88%

Ring Side Report- RPG Review of Mutant Crawl Classic RPG

Ring Side Report- RPG Review of Mutant Crawl Classics RPG

Originally posted at www.throatpunchgames.com, a new idea everyday!

Product– Mutant Crawl Classics


ProducerGoodman Games

Price– $40.00 preorder here http://goodman-games.com/store/product/mutant-crawl-classics-role-playing-game-2/

TL; DR-Fun system, problem book. 85%

The Good: More for future fun for the awesome DCCRPG system

The Bad: Not enough explanation of how things work

The Ugly: Why you no hyperlink?!


Basics-.  Let’s break this down.

Base System and Combat- Can you play Dungeon Crawl Classics?  Then you can easily play MCC.  This system uses the exact same rules, so if you love the DCC mechanics, then you’ll love the MCC rules.

Technology-A BIG part of the crazy, Appendix N mix of magic and technology is fur-skinned barbarians finding laser rifles and worshiping holograms.  This system builds off that in a big way.  Every class gets an AI interaction roll.  When you find something, the character attempts a roll to use the item.  These items vary from hyposprays to laser rifles.  And of course, this roll uses a random table to determine what happens with interaction.  Pure, awesome DCC/MCC goodness!

Magic, mutations, AI-OH MY! – DCC emphasized magic, but MCC emphasizes mutations.  Pure strain humans can choose several different classes that cover the basics: not-cleric, not-fighter, not-wizard.  They are all MCC flavored, so they are fun in their own right.  The not-wizards, called shamans, are interesting because they choose an AI who give them power.  This follows the exact same mechanics of a DCC RPG wizard and even uses the invoke patron spell to ask for power, but powers are called wetware programs.  It is sufficiently different to be MCC themed but uses the basic mechanics that DCC introduced, so anybody can easily hop in and play with a small DCCRPG background.   

Non-humans fall into several classes, but ultimately are mutants.  These mutants all have random mutations that give them different powers.  The most interesting part is some are good and some are bad, of course on a random chart!  When you gain the mutation, you roll on a random chart to see how it works.  That right there makes these new mutant monsters who range from plant creatures to animal men novel, but still a familiar mechanic that any veteran of DCC can easily adjust to play.

Review Time!

Mechanics or Crunch-This book adds a lot of interesting things to the DCC RPG system, but some of them come out better than others.  Lots of the moving pieces from DCC RPG work, but some like the healer (the not-cleric of the future) doesn’t fare as well.  The healer can only heal twice per day and only a d3.  That means a strong return to the 5 minute adventure day.  The sentinal (not-fighter of the future) does amazing with found technology, but out of the box at level one with no toys won’t be nearly as strong.  Magic/wetware technology is good, but there isn’t much of it here as you need other books to have enough pieces to play with.  Furthermore,   the new things like mutants, plant people, and animal people all work amazingly well and are random as all get out.  Overall, mutants are amazing, but pure strain humans might not fare as well in this new version of DCCRPG.  4.25/5

Theme or Fluff– Theme is the best part of this book.  Everything fits into the lore of the book.  The new classes, the new creatures, and everything else feels exactly like it should.  Hands down my favorite part of what’s here. 5/5

Execution–  Here is where I am the least excited.  Overall the book works, but it’s missing things that would really help it.  There are very few spells/wetware programs.  It’s not horrible;  the book says wetware programs are spells and you can easily use DCCRPG spells, but I want more.  The new mutations are great, and I really love that part.  But, the straight human classes do not get enough of a write-up.  Each class gets half a page, and it’s not enough to fully explain their powers and abilities.  Also, the PDF isn’t hyperlinked.  The MCC system and core rule book works, but you can’t really play this system with just this book alone.  Think of this book more of a supplement book to the DCCRPG core book.   3.5/5

Summary–  This is a book that I alternately love and don’t like.  The theme of the book is on point.  It feels like a post-apocalyptic hellscape with barbarians and laser rifles.  The new mutations and mutants are awesome and fit right into the theme here.  Where things fall apart is how regular humans fall into line.  I would love to run a mutant in a regular DCCRPG game.  I won’t want to play a healer in a DCCRPG game.  Clerics are much better than healers.  Rogues are much better than rovers.  Also the book’s execution falls short here.  I need more information to properly run some of the characters, and I have more fingers and toes than the number of spells in this book.  This is a great splat book, but doesn’t live up to its billing as a stand alone/core book.  Don’t mistake my negative comments as hate for this book.  I love what’s here, but I feel it needs just a bit more to help new players get into this one.  85%