Daily Punch 3-2-21 Weakness spell for DCC RPG

How about one more version of this spell?

Level: 1Range 50 feetDuration: 1 round per CLCasting time: 1 actionSave: Fort save
GeneralThe caster bistows weakness on a character
ManifestationRoll 1d4: 1-The target’s skin begins to crack and flake off; (2)The target begins to bleed from its nose, mouth, and eyes (3) The targets joints begin to lock in place; (4) the target begins to be pelted by a migrane
CorruptionRoll 1d4:(1)The caster’s teeth begin to rot with cavities; (2) The casters hair begins to fall out (3) The caster’s begins to dripple constantly. (4) The caster begains to limp
MisfireRoll 1d4:(1)The caster’s mouth fills with blood and sours to the point he gains a -2 attack rolls, saving throws, spell checks, and to initiative; (2) The caster’s bones begin to break easily causing double damage for 1d6 rounds. (3) The caster begins to go blind for 1d3 hours (4) The caster’s limbs become so week he can’t use them for 1d6 turns.
1Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-2)corruption; (3+) misfire.
2-11Lost, failure
12-13You curse the target with weak saves. they take a -1 penalty to all saves.
14-17You curse the target with breakable bones. They take an additional 1d4 damage from each attack.
18-19You cure the target with weak body. They take a 1d6 penatly to all checks and attacks.
20-23You bring all three curses upon them! They take a 1d6 penalty to all saves, checks, and attacks, and any damage on them does an additional 1d6 points of damage.
24-27You weaken them completely. Any attack on the target uses a d24 as a base and any roll above 20 counts as a critical hit.
28-31You decimate the body. Each round the target takes 1d20 damage at the start of their turns, and any attack on the target rolls a d30 with any result over 20 on the die being a critical hit.
32+The target is on death door. All attack on the target use a d30, score a critical hit on an attack that scores over 20 and hit, and all targets add an additioanal d12 to the critical table to determin the effect.

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