Daily Punch 6-6-24 Eaters of the Dead skeleton power for DCC/MCC RPG

num num num! skeleton power!

Eaters of the Dead
Type: actionRange: selfDuration: instantaneousSave: none
GeneralYou find a body and begin to eat it for health!
Manifestationroll 1d4: (1) You literally bite and eat the bodies of the dead. (2)You pull the bones from the dead and merge them into yourself (3)the bones turn to dust and cling to yourself (4) you just absorb the bodies through your skeleton hands
1failure and a bond goes sideways costing you 1d4 hp!
12-13You regain 1d4 HP
14-17You regain 2d4 HP
18-19You regain 2d6 HP
20-23You regain 2d8 HP
24-27You regain 3d8 HP
28-29You regain 3d10 HP
30-31You regain 3d12 HP
32+You regain 3d12 HP and gain 1 point of luck!


Ring Side Report-RPG Review of DCC Day #2: Beneath the Well of Brass

Product– DCC Day #2: Beneath the Well of Brass

System- Dungeon Crawl Classics

Producer– Goodman Games

Price– $6.00 here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/352617/DCC-Day-2-Beneath-the-Well-of-Brass?term=beneath+the+well+of+brass?affiliate_id=658618

TL; DR– Great intro fun with some crazy story elements. 97%

Basics–  Dragged by a brutal “king”, you have to find the secret of immortality or your village dies.  You are nobodies when you go into the volcanic tunnel under a mountain, but you will emerge heroes if you survive!

Mechanics or Crunch-This is a great adventure for starter heroes.  The players will get a kick out of this adventure as they get the basics overall.  One issue is that there isn’t much combat here.  There are traps, some crazy bits, and a finale, but not a ton of fights.  A bit more would make this more fun.  Also, most of my players get through this adventure in about three hours, so it’s a bit short.  A few more fights might help this one.  But what is here is nicely balanced, and a fun intro for your newer players.  4.5/5

Theme or Fluff– Oh DCC, never change!  This story is crazy as you just get dumped into the dungeon, and then planar transport before level 1!  Solid crazy stuff here; hellknights, a city of djinn, and a thug who needs killing all feature into this adventure.  This adventure is just crazy gonzo fun for your players.   5/5

Execution– PDF? Yes.  Hyperlinked?  Yes.  THIS IS LESS THAN 20 PAGES AND IT HAS HYPERLINKS!  Goodman games knows how to put out some solid stuff.  It has crazy, old school art.  It’s easy to read.  It’s fun to read on its own.  It’s all the things I want in an intro adventure.  5/5

Summary-Solid work here for DCC Game Day.  If you want to have some quick intro fun for your players to enter the world of DCC RPG.  This is a well written, well crafted, easy to read adventure that is something almost every DCC gamer and honestly every RPG player should try.  Check this one out quickly!  97%

Ring Side Report-RPG Review of Dungeon Crawl Classics #66.5: Doom of the Savage King

Product– Dungeon Crawl Classics #66.5: Doom of the Savage King

System- DCC RPG

Producer– Goodman Games

Price– $6.00 here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/129075/Dungeon-Crawl-Classics-665-Doom-of-the-Savage-King?affiliate_id=658618 

TL; DR– Appendix N shoot first ask questions never? 97%

Basics–  Time to kill the unkillable!  Doom of the Savage Kings starts out deep in the action as the players come upon a local lord tying a young woman to a pole to be eaten by a beast to sate its bloodlust.  What happens next is completely up to the “heroes”!  Save the girl?  Serve the Lord?  Either way there is an unkillable beast that needs slaying if the sacrifices are to stop.

Mechanics or Crunch-This is an early one for DCC RPG, and it shows a bit.  The mechanics are fine, but sometimes the Judge may have to tone down the challenge for the players to survive.  Especially mine, as my players never met a situation where certain death deterred them in the slightest!  It works well for higher player counts, but lower ones will need a bit of adjusting.  Doom of the Savage Kings mechanically is an early very deadly, very fun adventure.  4.5/5

Theme or Fluff–  This adventure is PURE Appendix N.  Village sacrificing people to save the rest like “The Lottery” and an ancient tomb where weapons will slay not-Grendel?  FANTASTIC!  This adventure is gonzo fantasy that makes DCC DCC.  5/5

Execution– PDF? Yes.  Hyperlinked?  Yes, basically.  This has what I need to run this adventure.  Maps, quick rundown, and detailed enough encounters.  It reads fast as my initial read through was five minutes before the game and my players had a blast completely abandoning the adventure’s basic path within five minutes.  If you like the basic layout of DCC, then you will like this layout.  Like always, Goodman Games DCC modules read like the old modules you used to get with some art in the middle, maps at the end, and a summary at the start.  Since I’m living an era of gaming I wasn’t part when it came round the first time, it’s a blast to be part of it this time as the editing has massively improved the experience!  5/5

Summary– Doom of the Savage Kings is classic DCC RPG.  It’s a bit harder than it needs to be so maybe some love from a Judge will save the PCs from their bad rolls if not their stupidity.  The book itself is well laid out, and the plot is top notch.  Players will have a blast saving a town, delving into old crypts, and killing the monster stalking the helpless in the fog.  If you need your Boewulf fix but want to do it with some crazy DCCRPG rules, this is hands down a fantastic adventure to get into.  97%

Daily Punch 3-2-21 Weakness spell for DCC RPG

How about one more version of this spell?

Level: 1Range 50 feetDuration: 1 round per CLCasting time: 1 actionSave: Fort save
GeneralThe caster bistows weakness on a character
ManifestationRoll 1d4: 1-The target’s skin begins to crack and flake off; (2)The target begins to bleed from its nose, mouth, and eyes (3) The targets joints begin to lock in place; (4) the target begins to be pelted by a migrane
CorruptionRoll 1d4:(1)The caster’s teeth begin to rot with cavities; (2) The casters hair begins to fall out (3) The caster’s begins to dripple constantly. (4) The caster begains to limp
MisfireRoll 1d4:(1)The caster’s mouth fills with blood and sours to the point he gains a -2 attack rolls, saving throws, spell checks, and to initiative; (2) The caster’s bones begin to break easily causing double damage for 1d6 rounds. (3) The caster begins to go blind for 1d3 hours (4) The caster’s limbs become so week he can’t use them for 1d6 turns.
1Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-2)corruption; (3+) misfire.
2-11Lost, failure
12-13You curse the target with weak saves. they take a -1 penalty to all saves.
14-17You curse the target with breakable bones. They take an additional 1d4 damage from each attack.
18-19You cure the target with weak body. They take a 1d6 penatly to all checks and attacks.
20-23You bring all three curses upon them! They take a 1d6 penalty to all saves, checks, and attacks, and any damage on them does an additional 1d6 points of damage.
24-27You weaken them completely. Any attack on the target uses a d24 as a base and any roll above 20 counts as a critical hit.
28-31You decimate the body. Each round the target takes 1d20 damage at the start of their turns, and any attack on the target rolls a d30 with any result over 20 on the die being a critical hit.
32+The target is on death door. All attack on the target use a d30, score a critical hit on an attack that scores over 20 and hit, and all targets add an additioanal d12 to the critical table to determin the effect.

Ring Side Report-RPG Review of Dungeon Crawl Classics 2020 Holiday Module: The Doom that Came to Christmastown

Product– Dungeon Crawl Classics 2020 Holiday Module: The Doom that Came to Christmastown

System- DCC RPG

Producer– Goodman games

Price– $6.99 here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/335600/Dungeon-Crawl-Classics-2020-Holiday-Module-The-Doom-that-Came-to-Christmastown?affiliate_id=658618

TL; DR– Fun, but you will need to provide your own glue for this adventure! 93%

Basics-Who can save Christmas?!  Santa is sick and who can save him?  Gather his friends, find the horrible Grinch, and save Christmas for all the good little boys and girls!

Mechanics or Crunch–  Goodman Games knows how to make a solid adventure!  They wrote the system, so they know how to make the crunch.  Solid monsters, solid puzzles, and solid extra tables for encounters.  This is a well put together adventure.  5/5

Theme or Fluff– This is a fun adventure, but the story is a bit off.  You don’t need to hit all the major NPC to find the horrible grinch.  And the NPCs are the best part!  This adventure will pull at your Frank and Bass Christmas movie memories.  Lots of the old school heroes like Yukon and even Hermey, who becomes a Dentalmancer!, make appearances and serve to build out the story.  I just wish there was more of a reason to meet more of them!  Solid parts here, but the glue holding the scenes together here is a bit lacking.  4/5

Execution–  PDF?  YEP!  Hyperlinked? Not really, but it’s ok.  This is a well executed adventure.  I love this one. There are crazy fun puzzles for the players to work through and there are monsters to fight that feel fun.  I love all the little touches that are put into the adventure.  Heck this adventure even has a new spell for the players to use.  You can buy this from Drive Thru and be playing in five minutes based on the easy to read format and beautiful drawings and maps.  Goodman Games executes another adventure amazingly! 5/5

Summary-Ho ho holy crap this is a fun one.  If you want something fun to plunk down into your DCC/MCC game, this is a solid adventure to run.  Mathematically, it works perfectly, and it’s executed well.  I love all the little pieces here from new spells to the crazy tables built into this game.  I wish the scenes were better connected, but that’s the one flaw to this amazing adventure.  Check this one out if you get a chance!   93%

Daily Punch 1-7-21 Smack Can tech item for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG

Ok, we need one more system with a can to smack an idiot!

Smack Can
Tech Level: 2 Complexity Modifier: 2
Range: 10’ radius, special
Damage: 6d10 main, 6d6 others
Special: wielder immune
Power: Self
Smack cans are highly compressed depleted uranium cans. A wielder makes a melee attack on someone instead of throwing the can. If it hits, the main target takes damage as above, but then the can explodes and hits all creatures in the area with acid-based damage except the person who swung the can.


Daily Punch 12-28-20 Santa’s Little Helpers spell for DCC RPG

want to make a Santa patron, so we need some Santa spells!

Santa’s Little Helpers
Level: 2Range 30 feetDuration: 1 nightCasting time: 1 turnSave: N/A
GeneralThe caster brings forth servents of the master to do what must be done!
ManifestationRoll 1d4: 1-The caster stomps his staff and snow forms into the creatures summoned. 2-the caster flicks his wrist and creatures always there step into view. 3-when the caster claps his hands a blizzard springs forth and the creatures step forth. 4-the caster winks and the creatures appear.
CorruptionRoll 1d6: 1-4 minor, 5-6 major
MisfireRoll 1d4:(1)The caster’s mouth fills with sour taste to the point he gains a -4 attack rolls, saving throws, spell checks, and to initiative; (2) The caster’s bones turn to candy and break easly causing double damage for 1d6 rounds. (3) Everything tasts like candy so the caster tries to eat everythign and everyone for 1d4 rounds. (4)The caster must make a DC 10 Fort save or he turns into a cookie gingerbread man for 1d6 rounds. He can move freely as this cookie, but has a 1 for Strengh, Agiligy, and Stamina until the spell ends.
1Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-3) corruption; (4) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (5+) misfire.
2-11Lost, failure
12-13failure, but the spell is not lost.
14-15You summon forth a 1HD elven creature. this creature has a bonus to crafting things, climbing, and hiding equal to 1/4 your spell check result. these creatures follow you commands to the best of their ability. They build anything you want in 1/4 the time it normally takes.
16-19You summon forth 2d4 elven creatures as described below.
20-23You summon forth a 3HD flying reindeer.
24-30You summon forth eight 4HD flying reindeer and a sleigh. the sleigh is large enough to accommodate seven regular humanoids. the sleigh also comes with one elven creature as described below. all follow your commands. While at rhe helm of the sleigh, you see through all darkness and storms, noth magical and mundane.
31+You summon forth one 16 HD demon. this demon carries a cage and a whip. it is immune to fire and cold. ot can also teleport from darkness to darkness. It gains one step up the dice chain for any action against a creature that has performed an evil act in the last week.

Daily Punch 12-21-20 Candy Crush Spell for DCC RPG

DCC needs a Santa Claus patron. Let’s work on that! First, some spells for that patron.

Candry Crush
Level: 1Range SelfDuration: 1 round per CLCasting time: 1 actionSave: N/A
GeneralThe caster crushes a piece of candy and gains powers based on his control of the candy!
ManifestationRoll 1d4: 1-The caster unraps a piece of candy and eats it; (2)the caster crushes a piece and blows it into the wind; (3) The caster swips into the air and glowing pieces of candy flash before everyone; (4) The caster reaches into the air and from between joined hands pulls a glowing candy cane out and waves it like a wand
CorruptionRoll 1d4:(1)The caster’s teeth begin to rot with cavities; (2) streaks like candy canes appear on the caster’s body. (3) the caster gains pieces of candy imbedded in their skin. (4)the caster’s food turns into candy corn
MisfireRoll 1d4:(1)The caster’s mouth fills with sour taste to the point he gains a -4 attack rolls, saving throws, spell checks, and to initiative; (2) The caster’s bones turn to candy and break easily causing double damage for 1d6 rounds. (3) Everything tastes like candy so the caster tries to eat everything and everyone for 1d4 rounds. (4)The caster must make a DC 10 Fort save or he turns into a cookie gingerbread man for 1d6 rounds. He can move freely as this cookie, but has a 1 for Strength, Agility, and Stamina until the spell ends.
1Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-2)corruption; (3+) misfire.
2-11Lost, failure
12-13You shot a piece of candy at an enemy doing 1d4 points of damage. No save
14-17You summon forth a sword made of pure candy cane. the sword does 1d6 + intelligence modifier damage upon a hit and counts as magic. Any damaged tissue is turned to candy and can only be healed by magic. You may choose a lower result if you so choose.
18-19Throw three pieces of candy each doing 1d8 points of damage to a target. No save. You may choose a lower result if you so choose.
20-23You or someone of your choosing within 30 feet gain the armor of the candy knight. You gain plate armor with an additional +4 bonus to AC. You may choose a lower result if you so choose.
24-27You target one enemy you can see and they crush from the outside in like the candy between your fingers. The target takes 2d24 crushing damage. This damage my only be healed via magic. If the enemy dies from this damage, it explodes into candy. You may choose a lower result if you so choose.
28-31You or another ally becomes the candy knight. Gain plate armor with a +4 extra bonus as well as the candy sword that does 1d8 damage that can only be healed via magic as the wound turns to candy. You are also immune to any fire damage as you no longer melt in any hand. You can choose a lower result if you so choose.
32+Choose a target in range with less than 60 HP total. That target instantly explodes into hundreds of pieces of candy

Ring Side Report-RPG Review of Sinking the Stercorarius, The Salty Funnel 0 Level Adventure

Product– Sinking the Stercorarius, The Salty Funnel 0 Level Adventure

System- DCC RPG

Producer– 2 Old Guys Games

Price– $10.00 here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318718/Sinking-the-Stercorarius-The-Salty-Funnel-0-Level-Adventure?affiliate_id=658618

TL; DR–  Another great funnel, but now at sea!  93%

Basics– SOMETHING TOUCHED MY LEG!  Your band of rag tag….honestly level zero losers has to survive a ship flooding but wait!  There is a mysterious island on the horizon.  What could be there?  Time for another level zero funnel!  No spoilers for the fun secrets of why the ship sank or what’s to be found on the island in this review.

Mechanics or Crunch-I love the crunch of the DCC level zero.  Lots of death whittles characters away until you get a character with its mettle tested.  This adventure is no exception as characters die on ship, in the water, and on the mysterious island.  Not only that; there is a ton of new content, from crazy weapons to new toys for the players and Judge.  This adventure has a ton of new material that any DCC fan will love. 5/5

Theme or Fluff-This story is a fun one, but has a bit of trouble with the final touchdown.  The story is great up to the point of why you explore the island.  The basics are to get off the ship and survive.  From there the adventure is basically up to the GM.  The players are not given a goal aside from what the Judge gives them.  The adventure gives you tools to make it happen, but it’s up to you.  The judge given free reign isn’t bad, but I would like a bit more direction for the judge.   4.5/5

Execution–  PDF?  YEP!  Hyperlinked? Yes! This is solidly DCC.  The art, the layout, and the text are all great DCC standards.  This is exactly what I want from a DCC module.  My one complaint is I wish this would be the retail price.  I did the kickstarter for $10 which came with the extra materials.  This doesn’t come with the extra stuff, so the price is a tad high for what you get.  Overall, a solidly produced adventure for DCC RPG.    4.5/5

Summary-Yar!  Time for a funnel at sea!  I like this funnel.  There are never enough funnels, so more is always better.  This stands out by providing a lot of fun toys for the Judge and players to have after the adventure as well as a fun location to play in.  It’s a bit pricey for what you get and it is a tad open ended without a clear goal for me, but those small things aside, it’s a great adventure.  If you need a funnel that your players have not seen, this is a solid new adventure they will enjoy.  93%

Daily Punch 10-7-20 Dwarf racial template for Star Crawl/DCC RPG

Why not bring the old races back!

Dwarf: Short, built, and hardy, dwarves are the bedrock of any group they are part of. Haling from under the earth, they find the transition to space hard, but fit in well into spaceships where a crew might not see open sky for months at a time.
Stat Adjustments: Stamina +2
Special Abilities: Burly(add 1/2 Level (minimum +1) to Fortitude Saves)
