Daily Punch 1-22-24 fluttering Wings monk feat for Pathfinder 2nd Ed

My wife and I were watching some crazy Hong Kong kung fu and taught this one up.

Fluttering Wings [reaction]Feat 6

Archetype Martial Artist*
Prerequisites Crane Stance
Trigger An enemy approaches with in your melee range.
Requirements You are in Crane Stance
* This archetype offers fluttering wings at 8th level.

Your limbs constantly move to keep your foes at bay. Make a melee attack against the triggering foe. On a hit, you deal no damage, but instead you push the foe five feet and end their stride. On a critical hit, you instead move them five feet and knock them prone. They may take additional stride actions either as part of their current action or as a separate action to move toward you however.


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