Daily Punch 3-10-21 and 3-11-21 Advisor and Improved Advisor feat for DnD 5e

Howa bout some use of knowledge to make life better on the battle field? FEAT TREES ARE NOT DEAD TO ME! lol


You are a guide for your friends. Gain the following benefits:

  • Increase you Wisdom or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • As an action, you can make an Intelligence(arcana), Intelligence(religion), Intelligence(nature) check against a creature in range (DC 8 + 1/2 creature CR). If you succeed, your allies that can hear you gain advantage against the target for one turn. You can reuse this ability after a short rest.

and how about we make it even better?

Improved Advisor

prerequisite -advisor

You’ve gotten quicker at telling others what to do. Gain the following benefits:

  • Increase you Wisdom or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can use your advisor ability as a bonus action.


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